Lugworm Fresh Wrapped or Frozen IN STORE ONLY
Lugworm Fresh Wrapped or Frozen - IN STORE ONLY
Phone us on 01323 460441 to check availability and/or to book.
Our Lugworm is dug either locally, (or at Dungeness) sold fresh, gutted and wrapped in packs of 10, and is very popular.
Availability is subject to tides, weather and demand.
Local Wrapped Lugworm - £3.60 per packet
Local Frozen (Salted & Oiled) Lugworm - £3.60 per packet
Dungeness Black Lugworm - £4.00 per packet
Dungeness Frozen (Salted & Oiled) Lugworm - £4.00 per packet
Our frozen Lugworm is dug fresh, then salted, oiled and frozen immediately. Our frozen Lug works so well that some of our customers prefer it to fresh.
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