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Anglers Den Sussex

Sidewinder Lures/ 6" Sandeels

Sidewinder Lures/ 6

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Our Price: £8.99

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Sidewinder Lures/ 6" Sandeels

        BUY 3 OR MORE P/KS AND PAY £7 PER PACK (mix colours!)

Product Description

If it's Cod, Pollack or Bass you're after there is no better lure on the market than the Sidewinder. For the last 3 years it has been our biggest selling lure by some margin. They have been responsible for huge catches of Bass, Pollack and Cod including the massive 43lb 9oz Cod caught on a blue Sidewinder and officially weighed at our retail shop, Anglers Den in Pevensey Bay, Sussex.

If you're deep water wrecking, drifting over a reef or shallow water Bass fishing, look no further than the Sidewinder range. Sold in packs of 3, various colours.



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