Flatfish at Eastbourne and Pevensey - January 24
(For more recent Sea Angling Catch News - Click Here)
15th January 24
Thanks Jake Davison for this report. Jake was fishing our local beach, with Anglers Den bait, sun shining and catching fish! Happy Days:
'I have had some rare spare time to myself in the last few days. With the weather being sunny, crisp and clear it made sense to target the various flatties we can catch on the beaches.Again heading down to the marvellous tackle shop Anglers Den. I grabbed 20 lug worm and some Sidewinder lures for a future trip and quickly got myself to the chosen beach. Pevensey Bay.
I fished the tide up for 2 hours until high water and then the ebb for around 2 hours.
Bites were consistent at range. Many pin whiting ratting the rods and only a few falling to the hook.
But in the midst of those ting bites we had a lovely collection of fish
Dabs x 6
Plaice x 2
Whiting x 6
Rockling x 1
What a superb little session, consistent bites and the lovely sun made for a cracking little vitamin D top up.
If you have any time in the next few days, while the sea is clear and the sun is shining get yourself on the flatfish before the winds start again next week.'
14th January 24
Thanks Peter Cornwell for this report from the weekend:
'Catch report, fished a local beach. The flood tide was very slow with only whiting and odd dab showing, the ebb was completely different. Was fishing on my own today so taking pics wasn't easy. Sea was calm and when the sun came out it was actually quite nice. Fish as follows.....
Bass X1
Rockling. X 1
Whiting - loads
Dabs to 26cm. X 9
Flounder- to 31cm. X 4
Plaice to 36cm. X 8'
Please keep your catch reports coming.
Thanks also Jake Davison for this report from a session targetting flatfish on an Eastbourne beach:
'14th January. Our trip started at Anglers Den to pick up 40 lug and a handful of ragworm. They mentioned a few matches were taking place along the sea front and this scuppered my original plan. A new one was created.
Will wanted to catch flatfish, I had a few places in mind. Cambridge Road was one option and that was where we headed.
Using small hooks and simple rigs we pelted them as far as we could. It didn’t take long before I had my first plaice, followed shortly after with another tiddler. Another Knock on the rod and the 3rd plaice was landed.
As the tide rose will had some good bites and wound in a double shot. A lovely flounder and small dab, followed by a smaller plaice a little time after.
The tide slackened off and the bites stopped for a while, the ebb began and it was shortly approaching the time we had to leave.
Last knockings and the final wind in for Will produced another plaice around the 35cm mark.
We packed up around 15:30 and headed home.
A lovely session on the shingle in some superb January sunshine.'
Thanks Jake - please keep all your sea and coarse fishing catch news coming.
(For more recent Sea Angling Catch News - Click Here)