Jake Davison and fishing buddy Will went fishing at Eastbourne this week and the rays were in! more
Pete Cornwall and friends fished at the 'Meet and Fish' event in Pevensey Bay and caught dabs, flounder & rockling. more
Thanks Mathew Love for these great pictures of young Jo with Pevensey Bay beach catches more
Ollie Franks is pictured with a 4lb jack pike caught very early this morning on the Wallers Haven , a SHCAC water. more
Thanks Rob Channon who sent this great picture of a Blonde Ray caught on squid and bluey bait in Pevensey Bay more
Sussex Shore Fishing Marks from Cooden, near Bexhill-On-Sea through Pevensey Bay, past Langney Point and Eastbourne, to Cow Gap below Beachy Head. Comprehensive information about seasonal fish species, fishing tactics, tackle and bait. more
Local angler Michael Gilbert is pictured with a cracking daylight dover sole caught yesterday at Eastbourne on lugworm bait! more
Kevin Morgan is pictured with a bass (approx 4lb) caught from a local beach in almost freezing conditions on Tuesday evening. more
If you would like some help with your in-store purchases and to get specialist fishing tackle advice and guidance from one of the team, we can now offer 1:1 appointments instore. more
Jennie Dobbs out boat fishing off Pevensey Bay caught this lovely thornback on squid and lug bait. more
This area of the south coast boasts a wealth of Organised Sea Angling Events - clubs, leagues, competitions. more
Darren Chapple took his 2 sons Thomas and Freddie and their friend Dylan pike fishing on the Pevensey marshes recently. more
A range of instructional angling videos for sea fishing from Anglers Den Sussex.
A look at some of the new Continental Rods on the UK market, including rods from Tronix Pro, Yuki and Penn.
In this video Glyn gives a beach casting lesson to Ollie Franks and explains how a good cast from the beach is about 70% technique and timing and just 30% power.
Part 3. In this video Glyn talks to Max, beachfishing beginner and CJ about choosing a Rod and Reel combo, with some casting tuition on the beach!
Part 2. In this video Glyn talks to Max, a beachfishing beginner and 'CJ' Chris Sparks about our range of fixed spool reels for beach fishing and about the use of braided lines in beachfishing